None of us did not surprise ATM ( ATM) . Even older people gradually become accustomed to the device and its pension somehow able to pull off. However, inter alia - ATM - it is extremely amusing piece from a technical and organizational point of view . Even employees of banking institutions (including associated with payment cards ) are not always imagine the subtlety of his work. In a past life I was a lot of years was associated with payment cards and ATM services . I had a chance to warm it and hairdryer and pick out the pieces from there mouse blood cancer, stuck in an embrace with the bills. Even burned one of the controlled ATM . Twice. So share some , in my opinion , interesting technical nuances in the ATM .
Unfortunately my main focus of this activity accounted for a time when even the 0.3 megapixel camera phone that was no small luxuries - therefore own photos I have almost none.40 notesATM provides no more than 40 bills at a time. It is linked by feeder . So - removing money from an ATM - if it displays on the screen " Available denominations 50, 200 " - and you need to remove a large amount - immediately you can estimate how much money as you can to give the ATM . If you try to enter more than 40 notes - ATM think and refuse. And you will be wondering why.30 secondsResponse interval for each operation , after the action of the client must be no more than 30 seconds. This requirement of international payment systems . The customer has a card - you can think of 29 seconds to answer. Selected a menu item - you might think again . And so on . Previously, when the connection was not very good - it was an important moment. Now - with this easy.White Card Supervisor
Yes - it is this . Comes with every ATM in the kit . As usual cards - also has a PIN- code and expiration date.May be appropriate to other ATMs . Here detailed details can not tell - I mistakenly from one ATM card used for another of its ATM and it worked - as it should be or she is working in one of the HRC ( processing center ) - I do not know . Apparently it was necessary to go to the ATM of another bank check . But was reluctant to sit .So - the card is required for the collection / audit ATM and certain technical functions - you can give as many bills of cassettes <godmode ON>, pootkryvali door extradition blinked indicators and displays , etc. Three times incorrectly entered the code on the map - it is blocked until the next day .brainsBesides the " system unit " (let's call it that way) in the keyboard ATM block card reader and display have their brains. You can not just take the parts and connect one to another ATM . When connecting new devices need to enter cryptographic 3DES- keys. They are written to these connected devices and allow them to work with this particular ATM . Keys are 2 envelopes ( envelopes as PIN- code for normal maps) which are a sequence of digits . Two people get on the envelope and enter cassette
In ATM usually 4-6 cassettes bills. In the cassette is placed ~ 2.5 thousand banknotes. Each cassette is set to a specific banknote . Therefore, even if the mix tape collection ATM locations - all the same chip in the cassette - will not give out money. The downside - if the cassette twenties download silver coins - then (for a fair share of luck - if the characteristics of bills more or less similar ) ATM will issue bills with higher ratings . ATM and teller zav.kassoy can shell out immediately and cover a shortage . Sometimes it happens ...Magazine culling
Glued banknote , banknotes, which are disliked for one reason or another ATM , as well as the money that you have not taken out of the slot issue - recline tape culling . The size is less than twice the standard .ATM is coldStreet ATM is 100% waterproof. However, it is sensitive to the cold. In the early models did not have an ATM packet "Russian Winter" heating elements and so on when the temperature drops below the courtyard of 10-15 degrees ( frost ) - ATM started to act up . Especially true - when ATM stands in the window and front (inner ) portion actually also rests in the window and freezes . ATM may not be included , because diagnostics outraged and requires heat for ATM ( hostess interesting : to run the required ATM at this point blow dryer on sensor ) . May not operate the mechanism for granting money and other delights .WithdrawalAs people leave their ATM cards. Sometimes by accident, sometimes - incorrectly three times entering PIN- code , sometimes - you withdraw money disappears voltage - ATM and off as if everything ... more choice - as you can stand and wait for your card (which is typical when the supply voltage - will leave out - and if you're not - then someone will pick it up , if you have time ) or go home , and then take an ATM card to him. The cards are often no one spoke . For several years, we have collected a hefty collection of cards of different banks. Including Foreign .older ATMIn Ukraine in 2002-2004 brought a lot of used ATM in Europe / USA. Here they were brought into the divine form , doing maintenance and selling banks. They were about 8-12 times cheaper (5-8 thousand dollars) of new modern ATMs ( 80-110 thousand dollars). They worked , frankly, lousy, but because card business is still in its infancy and incomes were low (ATMs are not set up for their customers , and for the others) - new ATM in required volumes could not afford all the banks . So put that is cheaper . ATM were on old CRT monitors with faded posters of European banks ( the previous owners ) . Kosher operating system for the ATM at the time - OS / 2 .safe ATMIt kept the tape cassette with money and culling . Is usually safe with a key and turning the wheel. Code wheels need to be changed regularly . Very frustrating when when you change the code and close the door, you know that the code is not suitable and safe is not open.Cheques
Matrix printers are used (old model ATM), and thermal printers. Paper tape for checks - in reels. Usually 2-5 thousands of checks on the bobbin. Matrix problem - complicated to find cartridges. The problem of thermal printers - when it's cold and you greesh hairdryer ATM - if a jet of air to get the tape checks - will be a black belt.
PrintZima. ATM was in the bank, but in the far empty room, and his face was behind the window. It's cold. Mouse found a loophole (in their many ATM - supply cables) and climbed inside to warm up. As a result, the money supply mechanism pressed her heart. I was there because ATM stopped working out of the cassette and culling money stuck in the blood. I had to disassemble half of the ATM - to get what is left of the mouse and three torn bills. Died a hero's death, but was in the money.
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