Wednesday, 23 April 2014

What is BIOS?

BIOS is a special chip which is on the motherboard, it is the program, containing in this chip which provides initial start and check of devices of the computer. However it not all duties of BIOS. This system distributes computer resources, defines an order of loading and carries out a set of other functions about which it will be interesting to any advanced user to learn.

BIOS – still can call the on-board computer. He will report the first to you about any problem connected with your equipment and has to issue you the message on a problem site on the monitor screen, or the special alarm message. It is possible to find the whole tables in the Internet with messages of mistakes which appear on the monitor screen and as tables of messages with interpretations of signals of BIOS. I think that everyone when turns on the computer, hears a short signal of BIOS, it is the special loudspeaker it still call the speaker who tells to the user that everything is all right and any problems it isn't revealed. But if loading interrupts and the speaker publishes faltering or long signals, it is BIOS reports about malfunction of your equipment

I already told that on the Internet is full of tables with interpretations the message with interpretations of signals, but there are some differences. After all at first someone has to write any program. The same and with BIOS – some companies were engaged in its development at once, and each of them issues the BIOS version. The most widespread version is issued the Award Software company therefore their BIOS and is called – as Award BIOS. Not terribly if your motherboard has BIOS of other version – the main settings are same in all versions of this program. Only interpretations of signals of BIOS can differ though sites on which are placed these tables give at once answers to all BIOS versions.

What it is possible to tell in the conclusion?

If the BIOS program which is written down in the special chip on the motherboard doesn't work, the computer won't be able to define, on what order to load the equipment of the system unit. In other words BIOS defines, what functions of the motherboard to involve, up to turns of fans on the processor, the videocard and the other equipment.

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