Wednesday, 23 April 2014

What is the registry Windows?

Many councils tuning, optimization and solution of various problems with the Windows operating system is often referred to the registry Windows. Many new users do not know what it is and why you need it . Registry Windows - this is some database that stores settings Windows, installed programs , user and more. Windows is constantly working with the registry , reads keys when running applications and the various services. When installing programs , very often they record information about themselves to the registry. Any changes that you make on your computer , shoot somewhere in the settings checkbox , change the theme or desktop image , disable the program from startup - all your actions are recorded in the registry.

It is very important to know and remember that registry damage threatens imminent loss of efficiency or malfunction Windows. Simply , the system may simply not be loaded .To change the key section in the manual mode, you need to go to the registry. The easiest way to do this: the "Start" menu to run the command "Run" in the window that appears , type "regedit" without the quotes and press Enter. A window is displayed in which registry keys , you can change it , add string operators and more. Before any changes to the registry that you make yourself better to make a backup copy . This will save you the trouble if something goes wrong and the system start or stop errors occur in its work. With the backup, you can restore the original condition of the registry until these changes.So now you know what is the registry .

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