Monday, 21 April 2014

How to make drawing with a transparent background? How to replace the white background color to transparent?

If you want to make a picture with a transparent background, such as that would put it on the site, the first thing, we can immediately draw a picture on a transparent layer in Paint.NET. If you already got the picture, for example, with a white background, like a butterfly in the picture, you must first remove the white background will be.
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To remove the background , you can use , for example, the tool " magic wand " , in our example, the leftmost figure. Once required to remove the area will be - the middle figure , by pressing the Del key , you can remove it. If the image below you will see the checkerboard pattern as the figure on the extreme right , it means that the area of the image where you see the checkerboard pattern is transparent .
Please note that a transparent background support two basic formats PNG, or GIF. If you save an image with a transparent background , such as a JPG, then replace Paint.NET transparent background color to white , because the JPG format does not support transparent images .
What better to PNG or GIF? Both formats support transparent colors and can be used for display in the modern Internet browsers. Unlike the format of GIF, 32-bit PNG supports transparent not just color, but also translucent colors. On the other side of the transparent color in images in 32- bit PNG format does not always display correctly in older Internet browsers such as Internet Explorer 6.

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